Here you can find the records of authors who worked with us. This web-page serves the purpose of validating the authorship of scholars worked under IM Group Of Researchers Review Hub. It also keeps the track of authors registration numbers, nature/title of work, their progress and status of work with us.
This page keeps updating time to time.
Your Name | Father’s Name | Authorship ID | Organization / Institution | Qualification | Your Group | Your Group Review Article Title | Status of your assigned portion of Review Article | Your content is reviewed at least once or more? | ||
Saeed Ahmad | Aziz Ahmad | RH-G3-A13 | Government Post Graduate College Mardan | Bachelor | | 3 | Nickel | Complete & Submitted | Yes | |
Bushra Ahmad | Ahmad Din | RH-G14-A70 | COMSATS university Islamabad Lahore Campus | MS chemistry | | 14 | Preparation, Functionalization, Modification, and Applications of Nanostructured Pd: A Critical Review | Complete & Unsubmitted | Yes | |
Dr sadia bano | Pervaiz Altaf | RH-G3-A15 | Lahore college for women university | PhD | | 3 | Nickel removal by biochar | Complete & Submitted | Yes | |
Mariam | Akram | RH-G2-A12 | Lahore University of Management Sciences | MS | | 2 | A Comprehensive review on the toxicity, removal and influencing factors of mercury adsorption from wastewater using bio sorbents | Complete & Submitted | Yes | |
Sohana Malik | Shahid Shoukat | RH-G4-A19 | The Islamia University of Bahawalpur | BS Chemistry | | 4 | A Mini-Review on the Removal of Pharmaceutical Pollutants from Wastewater by using Activated Sludge | Complete & Submitted | Yes | |
Sana | Younis | RH-G14-A69 | Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad | Mphil in Physical Chemistry | | 14 | Preparation, Functionalization, Modification, and Applications of Nanostructured Pd: A Critical Review | Complete & Submitted | Yes | |
Huma Ameer | Ameer Bakhsh | RH-G4-A18 | Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology Rahim Yar Khan | MS Food Technology | | 4 | A Mini-Review On The Removal of Pharmaceutical Pollutants From Wastewater Using Activated Sludge | Complete & Submitted | Yes | |