Thesis & Research Paper Definitions Differences Similarities, How to Convert the Thesis into a Research Paper?Thesis & Research Paper Definitions Differences Similarities, How to Convert the Thesis into a Research Paper?


Izaz Ul Islam


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  • Definition: A thesis is a comprehensive document that presents original research and findings, usually required for the completion of a master’s or doctoral degree.
  • Purpose: The main goal of a thesis is to contribute new knowledge to a specific field of study.
  • Structure: It typically includes sections such as an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Length: Theses are generally longer than research papers, and the depth of analysis and research is more extensive.
  • Definition: A research paper is a focused and concise document that explores a specific topic, presents an argument, or analyzes a particular issue.
  • Purpose: Research papers aim to contribute to existing knowledge on a topic, but the scope is narrower compared to a thesis. They are often written as part of coursework or for publication.
  • Structure: Research papers generally have a standard structure, including an introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Length: Research papers are shorter than theses and may vary in length based on the academic level and purpose.
  • Scope: Theses contribute to original research and are more extensive, while research papers focus on a specific aspect within a broader field.
  • Length: Theses are typically longer than research papers.
  • Depth of Analysis: Theses require a more in-depth analysis and original contribution to the field.
  • Both involve a systematic investigation into a specific topic.
  • Both follow a structured format with sections like introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  1. Focus on a Specific Aspect: Identify a narrower topic within your thesis that can stand alone as a research paper.
  2. Condense Content: Streamline your research and focus on key findings relevant to the selected topic.
  3. Adjust Length: Tailor the length of the paper to meet the requirements of a research paper.
  4. Modify Structure: Ensure that the paper follows the standard structure of a research paper.
  5. Reframe Introduction and Conclusion: Adjust the introduction and conclusion to align with the narrowed focus of the research paper.

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