Plants as Microengineers: Revolutionizing the Future of Particle SynthesisPlants as Microengineers: Revolutionizing the Future of Particle Synthesis

Content Number: 23
Author Name: Irha Noor
Author I’d: SBPWNC – A23
Educational Institution: Govt. Post Graduate Islamia College, Gujranwala, Pakistan
Content Title: Plants as Microengineers: Revolutionizing the Future of Particle Synthesis

Imagine a society in which the simplest living things, plants, could create the fundamental components of cutting-edge technologies. Nanoparticles are propelling innovation across industries, from cleaning contaminated water to delivering drugs precisely. But the method we make them frequently damages the environment. Here’s a technique called “green synthesis,” which turns plants into tiny factories that produce nanoparticles in an environmentally friendly manner. The intriguing process of green synthesis and its potential for a healthier, greener future will be discussed in this blog.

‘‘When nature becomes the engineer, the smallest particles can create the biggest impact, green synthesis is where sustainability meets innovation.’’

1.1- Nanotechnology and Nanoparticles:  

     The term “nanotechnology” refers to a field of science which focused on developing and producing various nanomaterials .Since the previous ten years, the field of nanotechnology has grown rapidly, and numerous products have been introduced in the market that incorporate the nanoparticles .”Technology on the nanoscale” is the most basic definition of nanotechnology [1].

     There is growing demand for nanoparticles in various fields. Nanomaterial and   nanoparticles differ in such a way that nanomaterial is a broad category consisting of nanotubes,nanowires,nanoplates,nanoparticles and nanocomposite.Basically nanoparticles are  nanomaterial with diameter 1-100nm.They are zero dimensional because all diameters are within nanoscale where some nanmaterails like nanorods,Graphene,nanoporous materialare one dimensional,two dimensional and three dimensional [2].

Some organic and inorganic nanoparticles are;

1.2-Traditional Methods and Green Method for Synthesis of Nanoparticles:

     Initially, conventional synthesis techniques were applied, which produced nanomaterials using significant energy input and hazardous chemicals. There is a demand for environmentally friendlier synthesis techniques because of the pollution that conventional methods produce. The scientific community is constantly looking for ways to counteract the destruction brought about by harmful production practices as the effects of climate change become more widespread. Green synthesis techniques use natural biological processes to produce nanomaterials. The history of nanoparticle synthesis is reviewed here, beginning with conventional techniques and moving toward environmentally friendly ones. Green Method is environmentally safe, low toxic, economical and effective procedure [3].

1.3-Use of plant Extract for Green Synthesis of iron Nanoparticle:

     The metabolites created during bioprocesses, such as carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids,  phenol, proteins, quinine, steroids, and tannin, provide the basis for the biosynthesis method used for the production of nanoparticles [4].

     Here we will discuss about synthesis of  iron nanoparticles using plant extract.

Tribulus terrestris

      Gokshur, puncture vine, land caltrops, Gokharu, and Khar-e-khusak khurd are some of the common names for Tribulus terrestris. It can be found on roadsides and in sandy and hot areas. It has compound leaves with thorny fruit which is used in folk medicines [5].The plant may also support heart health by helping to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Some athletes use it to improve endurance and muscle strength, but the results are inconclusive. Tribulus is known for its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Additionally, it is thought to promote urinary health and support kidney function .

 Emex australis

The most unwanted, unfriendly, and challenging part of the global vegetation is made up of weeds. A relatively recent weed in wheat fields and other winter crops is Emex australis.Herbicides are used to get rid of it. It is also knows as Double gee or Devil’s thorn.[40]

1.4-Types of Iron nanoparticles:

There are two types of iron nanoparticles;

Zerovalent iron nps:

In this type iron exists in its zero oxidation state.These nanoparticles are known for their unique properties like large surface area.They are used in environmental remediation,as a catalysis,in nanomedicine and drug delivery and in sensors.

Iron oxide nanoparticles:

They show magnetic characteristics.These nanoparticles are formed when iron undergoes oxidation.The most common are Magnetite nps which exibits both ferromagnetic and supermagnrtic behavior and Hematite nps which are less magnetic but known for their ability as photocatalyst in energy production.

Iron oxide nps are mostly used  for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

1.5- Comparetive preparation of iron nanoparticles by green method:

The metabolites in both plants such as flavonoids,saponins act as reducingagents,Capping agents and stabilizating agents.  Using plant extract of both plants, iron nanoparticls can be synthesized.

     For this purpose,leaf material is extracted.Dry leaves of both plants are boiled in Distilled water and filter using Whatman Filter Paper. Two Solutions of Iron(III) chloride is prepared.If we are using 0.7M  solution in 250ml for Emex Australis then we will use 1.4M ,which is double of previous one,for Tribulus Terrestris in order to get same quantity of Yield of Nanoparticles.If 300ml of E.australis is used ,we will use 600ml of T.terrestris.

     This solutions are mixed with respective plant extract which is heated for 10min.The solution’s color changes and after some time we will observe tiny particles.The solution is filtered and iron nanoparticles are seperated,dried and filled in sample tubes for later use.

     Using plant extracts instead of harsh chemicals, this nontoxic and environment friendly method creates nanoparticles.

1.6- Iron nanoparticles from Emex Australis:

1.7-Iron Nanoparticles from Tribulus terrestris

1.8-Characterization Techniques:

Different Techniques confirms the shape and size of nanoparticles;

The FTIR peaks suggests that iron nanoparticles involve various functional groups .

XRD gives the crystalline size of iron nanoparticles using peaks values in Debye-Scherrer equation.

Particle size analyzer gives the size distribution of particles in a sample.We use statistical measures D10,D50,D90  representing the diameter below which 10%,50% and 90% of sample’s particle fall.

The results show that nps from T.terrestris are smaller size range as compared to E.australis which has large particles due to aggregation and has broad size range.

In this study,we successfully synthesized iron nanoparticles using green method,exploring their characteristics.The green synthesis approach,utilizing plant extract,,offer sustainable and eco friendly nanoparticle production.

The  comparitive study of both plants demonstrated that the choice of plant extract influences the size distribution,crystallinity and stability of the nanoparticles.

Further research may focus on optimizing the synthesis process and exploring the specific applications of these nanoparticles.

1-Dubchak, S., Ogar, A., Mietelski, J. W., & Turnau, K. (2010). Influence of silver and titanium nanoparticles on arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization and accumulation of radiocaesium in Helianthus annuus. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research8, 103-108.

2-Machado, S., Pacheco, J. G., Nouws, H. P. A., Albergaria, J. T., & Delerue-Matos, C. (2015). Characterization of green zero-valent iron nanoparticles produced with tree leaf extracts. Science of the total environment533, 76-81.

3-Huston, M., DeBella, M., DiBella, M., & Gupta, A. (2021). Green synthesis of nanomaterials. Nanomaterials, 11(8), 2130.

4-Abdullah, J. A. A., Eddine, L. S., Abderrhmane, B., Alonso-González, M., Guerrero, A., & Romero, A. (2020). Green synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by pheonix dactylifera leaf extract and evaluation of their antioxidant activity. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy17, 100280.

5-Panchal, P. M. (2012). Pharmacognostical and phytopharmacological investigation of Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC) Backer ex. Heyne. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine3(4), 196-217.

6-Abbas, R. N., Tanveer, A., Ali, A., & Zaheer, Z. A. (2010). Simulating the effect of Emex australis densities and sowing dates on agronomic traits of wheat. Pak. J. Agri. Sci47(2), 104-110.

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